Platform Overview

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Thrivaca is a SaaS cloud-based solution delivered via Microsoft Azure’s highly secure and scalable global cloud hosting technology. Arx Nimbus’ Thrivaca platform allows for industry analyses and benchmarking, NIST-compliant processes, ongoing alerts and scans, and unlimited “what-if” scenarios to profile strategic change, M&A events, alternative strategies and budgets and their expected risk outcomes.

Understand the Results


White Paper

Threat persist and expand. Business advances and more risks emerge quickly. How can you get ahead of risk? Change the game now. Get real, data-driven risk in place to advance and leverage your efforts now, and take the battle to where the risk originates.



Today’s enterprise requires fundamental advances in recovering the cost of risk. Get the data. Get the analysis. Identify unfunded liabilities and recover the costs now – while attacking risks at their origins.